Trivia is not just a way for you to flex your brainpower over friends and colleagues, it's a really fun way to learn. Whether you know the answer or not, after playing a lot of trivia you will eventually start learning facts about geography, history or anything really. In this list, we've collected trivia questions and answers from all categories, and you'll find the best general trivia questions to practice your trivia skills before an upcoming trivia event - which can also serve as an excellent team-building activity.
We have categorized all the questions and answers for you. From the table of contents on the left, you can jump to one of the following categories -
- General Trivia Questions and Answers
- Easy Trivia Questions and Answers
- Hard Trivia Questions and Answers
- Food & Drink Trivia Questions and Answers
- Animal Trivia Questions and Answers
- Entertainment Trivia Questions and Answers
- Kid-Friendly Trivia Questions and Answers
- Geography Trivia Questions and Answers
- History Trivia Questions and Answers
- Movie Trivia Questions and Answers
- Music Trivia Questions and Answers
- Pop Culture Trivia Questions and Answers
- Science Trivia Questions and Answers
- Sports Trivia Questions and Answers
- Technology Trivia Questions and Answers
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How to play Trivia
Setting up a Trivia game is easy to do and quick to do. In most cases, you don’t need much to start a trivia game.
- Decide what format you want the game to be played in. Popular formats include pen and paper, tablet/smartphone-based, or a hybrid of both.
- Come up with the trivia questions and answers. Pick a diverse range to keep each round interesting and ensure they’re accurate.
- Designate someone as the host/MC: they will be responsible for keeping the flow of the game going; announcing questions, ensuring everyone has an attempt at answering etc.
- Split everyone into teams (how many per team is up to you). Or, if you want a ‘winner takes all’ setup, everyone can play solo. Start the first round when everyone’s ready.
- When a team/player correctly answers a question, they score a point.
- The team that answers the most questions correctly wins!
General Trivia Questions and Answers

Q: What does a funambulist walk on?
Answer: A Tight Rope
Q: Area 51 is located in which US state?
Answer: Nevada
Q: On a dartboard, what number is directly opposite No. 1?
Answer: 19
Q: Which American president appears on a one-dollar bill?
Answer: George Washington
Q: What geometric shape is generally used for stop signs?
Answer: Octagon
Q: How many colors are there in a rainbow?
Answer: 7
Q: TRUE OR FALSE - A scientific study on peanuts in bars found traces of over 100 unique specimens of urine.
Answer: FALSE
Q: What is the nickname of the US state of California?
Answer: Golden State
Q: TRUE OR FALSE - The color orange is named after the fruit.
Answer: TRUE
Q: TRUE OR FALSE - On average, at least 1 person is killed by a drunk driver in the United States every hour.
Answer: TRUE
Q: TRUE OR FALSE - In 2010, Twitter and the United States Library of Congress partnered together to archive every tweet by American citizens.
Answer: TRUE
Q: Who is depicted on the US hundred-dollar bill?
Answer: Benjamin Franklin
Q: TRUE OR FALSE - The Lego Group was founded in 1932.
Answer: TRUE
Q: What is the name of Poland in Polish?
Answer: Polska
Q: Which restaurant's mascot is a clown?
Answer: McDonald's
Q: What colour is the "Ex" in FedEx Ground?
Answer: Green
Q: TRUE OR FALSE - Dihydrogen Monoxide was banned due to health risks after being discovered in 1983 inside swimming pools and drinking water.
Answer: FALSE
Q: The likeness of which president is featured on the rare $2 bill of USA currency?
Answer: Thomas Jefferson
Q: What is Cynophobia the fear of?
Answer: Dogs
Q: TRUE OR FALSE - Vietnam's national flag is a red star in front of a yellow background.
Answer: FALSE
Q: The Flag of the European Union has how many stars on it?
Answer: 12
Q: TRUE OR FALSE - A pasodoble is a type of Italian pasta sauce.
Answer: FALSE
Q: When one is "envious", they are said to be what color?
Answer: Green
Q: Who is the author of Jurrasic Park?
Answer: Michael Crichton
Q: What item is the werewolf most afraid of?
Answer: Silver
Q: What is the world's most expensive spice by weight?
Answer: Saffron
Q: TRUE OR FALSE - The US emergency hotline is 911 because of the September 11th terrorist attacks.
Answer: FALSE
Q: What does the "G" mean in "G-Man"?
Answer: Government
Q: TRUE OR FALSE - The sum of all the numbers on a roulette wheel is 666.
Answer: TRUE
Q: TRUE OR FALSE - There are 86400 seconds in a day.
Answer: TRUE
Q: What is a "dakimakura"?
Answer: A body pillow
Q: TRUE OR FALSE - An eggplant is a vegetable.
Answer: FALSE
Q: What is the unit of currency in Laos?
Answer: Kip
Q: What alcoholic drink is mainly made from juniper berries?
Answer: Gin
Q: Which Italian automobile manufacturer gained majority control of U.S. automobile manufacturer Chrysler in 2011?
Answer: Fiat
Q: What is the last letter of the Greek alphabet?
Answer: Omega
Q: In what year was McDonald's founded?
Answer: 1955
Q: What was Mountain Dew's original slogan?
Answer: Yahoo! Mountain Dew... It'll tickle your innards!
Q: What was the soft drink Pepsi originally introduced as?
Answer: Brad's Drink
Q: What is the Portuguese word for "Brazil"?
Answer: Brasil
Q: When did the website "Facebook" launch?
Answer: 2004
Q: TRUE OR FALSE - "Santa Claus" is a variety of melon.
Answer: TRUE
Q: What was the original name of the search engine "Google"?
Answer: BackRub
Q: Where did the pineapple plant originate?
Answer: South America
Q: Which country has the most Trappist breweries?
Answer: Belgium
Q: What is the currency of Poland?
Answer: Złoty
Q: TRUE OR FALSE - The British organization CAMRA stands for The Campaign for Real Ale.
Answer: TRUE
Q: TRUE OR FALSE - "Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo." is a grammatically correct sentence.
Answer: TRUE
Q: Electronic music producer Kygo's popularity skyrocketed after a certain remix. Which song did he remix?
Answer: Ed Sheeran - I See Fire
Q: What type of dog is 'Handsome Dan', the mascot of Yale University?
Answer: Bulldog
Q: What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
Answer: 24 MPH
Q: Before the 19th Century, the "Living Room" was originally called the...
Answer: Parlor
Q: What year was Queen Elizabeth II born?
Answer: 1926
Q: What is the romanized Arabic word for "moon"?
Answer: Qamar
Q: Which musician has collaborated with American producer Porter Robinson and released the 2016 song "Shelter"?
Answer: Madeon
Q: Which of the following languages does NOT use gender as a part of its grammar?
Answer: Turkish
Q: What year was the RoboSapien toy robot released?
Answer: 2004
Q: According to Fair Works Australia, how long do you have to work to get Long Service Leave?
Answer: 7 years
Q: TRUE OR FALSE - Stagecoach owned "South West Trains" before losing the rights to FirstGroup and MTR in March of 2017.
Answer: TRUE
Q: Virtual reality company Oculus VR lost which of it's co-founders in a freak car accident in 2013?
Answer: Andrew Scott Reisse
Q: TRUE OR FALSE - Spoon theory is a theory, utilizing "Spoons" as a metaphor for energy they can use in a day.
Answer: TRUE
Q: In flight systems, what does the initialism "TCAS" stand for?
Answer: Traffic Collision Avoidance System
Q: If someone said "you are olid", what would they mean?
Answer: You smell extremely unpleasant.
Q: Named after the mallow flower, mauve is a shade of what?
Answer: Purple
Q: Chartreuse is a color between yellow and what?
Answer: Green
Q: In the United States, at what age can an adult legally purchase and consume alcohol?
Answer: 21
Q: Nephelococcygia is the practice of doing what?
Answer: Finding shapes in clouds
Q: If you planted the seeds of Quercus robur, what would grow?
Answer: Trees
Q: How many notes are there on a standard grand piano?
Answer: 88
Q: In the MMO RPG "Realm of the Mad God", what dungeon is widely considered to be the most difficult?
Answer: The Shatter's
Q: What is the weight of a Gold Bar in Fallout: New Vegas?
Answer: 35 Pounds
Easy Trivia Questions and Answers

Q: TRUE OR FALSE - The US emergency hotline is 911 because of the September 11th terrorist attacks.
Answer: FALSE
Q: What Sport Do The Harlem Globetrotters Play?
Answer: Basketball
Q: This sport is called the "American pastime"?
Answer: Baseball
Q: What is the symbol for copper?
Answer: Cu
Q: On What Japanese City Was The First Atomic Bomb Dropped?
Answer: Hiroshima
Q: Who led 900 followers in a mass suicide in 1979?
Answer: Jim Jones
Question: Which movie is known for this famous quote: “Yo Adrian!”
Answer: Rocky
Question: What disease can be caused by a lack of Vitamin C?
Answer: Scurvy
Question: Who is the mascot for the fast-food chain, KFC?
Answer: Colonel Sanders
Question: Which film series stars Johnny Depp as pirate Jack Sparrow?
Answer: Pirates of the Caribbean
Question: What is the name of the fastest land animal?
Answer: Cheetah
Trivia Question: The following is a line from which 1970's film 'you talkin to me'?"
Answer: Taxi Driver
Question: What do you call a snack made up of marshmallows, graham crackers, and chocolate?
Answer: S'mores
Question: Which country is famous for the fast-food chain ‘Jolibee’?
Question: What do you call a popular mixed rice, meat, and vegetable dish in Korea?
Answer: Bibimbap
Question: How many ‘varieties’ are there in Heinz Tomato Ketchup?
Answer: 57 Varieties
Q: What Sport Do The Harlem Globetrotters Play?
Answer: Basketball
Q: The Denver ____?
Answer: Broncos
Q: Monza & Silverstone Are Venues For Which Sport?
Answer: Formula One
Question: What is the highest-grossing holiday movie of all time?
Answer: Home Alone
Q: What does the term GPU stand for?
Answer: Graphics Processing Unit
Q: What was the name given to Android 4.3?
Answer: Jelly Bean
Q: Which programming language shares its name with an island in Indonesia? Answer: Java
Q: What is the nationality of Picasso?
Answer: Spanish
Q: The villagers of Little Hangleton still called it "the Riddle House" even though it has been many years since the Riddle family had lived there.' This is the first line of which piece of written work?
Answer: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Q: In which book series does 'Neville Longbottom' appear?
Answer: Harry Potter
Trivia Question: Which film involves people entering other people’s dreams?
Answer: Inception
Q: Published in 1597, which piece of written work starts with the line 'Two households, both alike in dignity, in fair Verona, where we lay our scene, from ancient grudge break to new mutiny, where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.'?
Answer: Romeo and Juliet
Q: Which painter reputedly cut off his own ear?
Answer: Van Gogh
Q: What is the name of the famous painting by Vincent van Gogh that depicts a night sky filled with swirling stars, a small village, and a large cypress tree?
Answer: The Starry Night
Q: The History of Middle-earth' was written by which author?
Answer: J. R. R. Tolkien
Q: What is Symptomatology the study of?
Answer: symptoms
Q: Which science deals with the motion of projectiles?
Answer: Ballistics
Q: What is Nutriology the study of?
Answer: Nutrition
Question: What animal is known to be ‘man’s best friend’?
Answer: Dog
Question: What animal is covered in quills?
Answer: Porcupine
Question: What’s a newly hatched butterfly called?
Answer: Caterpillar
Question: What does a snake shed a few times a year?
Answer: Its skin
Question: What type of reptile can detach their tails when they are in danger and then regrow it?
Answer: Lizards
Question: What do you call a cocktail consisting of coconut milk, rum, and pineapple?
Answer: Pina Colada
Question: What is James Bond’s preferred drink of choice?
Answer: Martini
Q: TRUE OR FALSE - Vietnam's national flag is a red star in front of a yellow background.
Answer: FALSE
Q: The likeness of which president is featured on the rare $2 bill of USA currency?
Answer: Thomas Jefferson
Q: Who is depicted on the US hundred-dollar bill?
Answer: Benjamin Franklin
Q: What geometric shape is generally used for stop signs?
Answer: Octagon
Q: Area 51 is located in which US state?
Answer: Nevada
Q: Which musician has collaborated with American producer Porter Robinson and released the 2016 song "Shelter"?
Answer: Madeon
Trivia Question: Which director directed Interstellar?
Answer: Christopher Nolan
Q: On What Japanese City Was The First Atomic Bomb Dropped?
Answer: Hiroshima
Q: Who Was The First Woman To Fly Solo Across The Atlantic Ocean?
Answer: Amelia Earhart
Q: U.S. President, Herbert C. _________.
Answer: Hoover
Hard Trivia Questions and Answers

Q: How many balls are on a pool table at the start of a game?
Answer: 16
Question: Who invented peanut butter?
Answer: Marcellus Gilmore Edson
Question: The films The King's Speech and The English Patient feature which English actor?
Answer: Colin Firth
Question: In Which Comedy Film Does Aretha Franklin Star As A Proprietress Of A Soul Food Joint?
Answer: The Blues Brothers
Question: In St. Louis, Missouri, it’s illegal for a firefighter to rescue who?
Answer: Undressed women (even if they are wearing a nightgown)
Question: What was banned in Indonesia for “stimulating passion?”
Answer: Hula hoops
Q: Generally, which component of a computer draws the most power?
Answer: Video Card
Q: In CSS, which of these values CANNOT be used with the "position" property?
Answer: Center
Q: What is the name of the Duke of Milan who casts a spell on a ship in 'The Tempest'?
Answer: Prospero
Question: What animal breathes out of its butt?
Answer: Turtles
Q: Chartreuse is a colour between yellow and what?
Answer: Green
Q: Nephelococcygia is the practice of doing what?
Answer: Finding shapes in clouds
Q: If you planted the seeds of Quercus robur, what would grow?
Answer: Trees
Q: Who penned the words, 'Hubble, bubble toil and trouble, fire burn and cauldron bubble'?
Answer: William Shakespeare
Question: In the context of educational courses, what abbreviation is commonly used for classes aimed at adult learners?
Answer: Continuing Education Unit (CEU)
Question: How do sea otters keep from drifting apart while they sleep?
Answer: They hold hands
Question: What animal is known by the nickname “sea cow?”
Answer: Manatees
Question: What kind of turtle can’t retract into its shell?
Answer: Sea turtle
Question: What kind of animal is a Komodo dragon?
Answer: A Lizard
Question: What U.S. state’s constitution is the longest in the world?
Answer: Alabama
Question: What was the first patented service uniform in the United States?
Answer: Playboy Bunny
Question: What two cities represent letters in the phonetic alphabet?
Answer: Lima and Quebec
Question: What were clocks missing before 1577?
Answer: Minute hands
Question: What is the number one seller at Walmart?
Answer: Bananas
Q: What was the third country to get the atomic bomb? Answer: Britain
Q: His wife was Roxana. His horse was Bacephalus. He was ________.
Answer: Alexander the Great
Q: What Was The 9th Century Tax Levied To Fight The Vikings?
Answer: Dane Geld
Q: In 1969 Richard Cawston Made A Documentary For The BBC About Which Famous Family?
Answer: The Royal Family
Q: What did Temujin change his name to?
Answer: Genghis Khan
Q: Of What Tribe Was Boadicea The Head?
Answer: Iceni
Q: In Which City Was John F Kennedy Assassinated?
Answer: Dallas
Q: Of which ship was Miles Standish captain?
Answer: The Mayflower
Q: Which US state in 1907 was the last to declare Christmas a legal holiday?Answer: Oklahoma
Q: In a game of netball how many players on a team are allowed To score? Answer: Two
Q: In Which Sport Was Desmond Douglas Britain's Leading Competitor? Answer: Table Tennis
Q: In A Decathlon What Is The First Event Answer: 100 Metres
Q: Which Sporting Event Was BBC2's First Ever Colour Transmission In 1967? Answer: Wimbledon
Q: What is the 'perfect score' in a game of Ten Pin Bowling? Answer: 300
Q: With which sport would you have associated Jocky Wilson? Answer: Darts
Q: With what did cricketer Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi frequently play within his hands? Answer: A glass eye
Q: What 3 Letter Word It The Name Given To A Replayed Point In Tennis? Answer: Let
Q: Which Heavyweight Boxer Was Known As The Real Deal? Answer: Evander Holyfield
Q: In 1998 Who Became The Youngest Footballer To Score A Hat Trick In The English Premiership?
Answer: Michael Owen
Q: Which Boys Name Is Also The Name Of The Object Ball In Bowls? Answer: Jack
Q: What football team was formerly known as the Frankford Yellow Jackets? Answer: Philadelphia Eagles
Q: TRUE OR FALSE - An eggplant is a vegetable.
Answer: FALSE
Q: What is the unit of currency in Laos?
Answer: Kip
Q: What alcoholic drink is mainly made from juniper berries?
Answer: Gin
Q: Which Italian automobile manufacturer gained majority control of U.S. automobile manufacturer Chrysler in 2011?
Answer: Fiat
Q: What is the last letter of the Greek alphabet?
Answer: Omega
Fun Trivia Questions and Answers

Question: In the state of Georgia, it’s illegal to eat what with a fork?
Answer: Fried chicken
Question: Which Tasmanian marsupial is known for its temper?
Answer: Tasmanian devil
Question: Iceland diverted roads to avoid disturbing communities of what?
Answer: Elves
Question: What can be broken but is never held?
Answer: A promise
Question: What does come down but never goes up?
Answer: Rain
Question: What is measured in "Mickeys"?
Answer: The speed of a computer mouse
Question: What was Marilyn Monroe’s natural hair color?
Answer: Red
Question: Who sang about being an “eggman” and a “walrus”?
Answer: The Beatles
Question: Which Tasmanian marsupial is known for its temper?
Answer: Tasmanian Devil
Question: Where on the human body is the zygomatic bone found?
Answer: Facial cheek
Question: It was illegal for women to wear what in 19th century Florence?
Answer: Buttons
Question: Who claimed he could “drive away the devil with a fart?”
Answer: Martin Luther
Question: In St. Louis, Missouri, it’s illegal for a firefighter to rescue who?
Answer: Undressed women (even if they are wearing a nightgown)
Question: What was banned in Indonesia for “stimulating passion?”
Answer: Hula hoops
Question: What was Hugh Hefner’s jet plane named?
Answer: Big Bunny
Question: In June in Wyoming, it is illegal to take a picture of what?
Answer: A rabbit
Question: What Benedictine monk invented champagne?
Answer: Dom Pierre Pérignon
Question: What flavor is Cointreau?
Answer: Orange
Question: In football, who was nicknamed ‘The Divine Ponytail’?
Answer: Roberto Baggio
Question: What do you call a group of unicorns?
Answer: A blessing
Question: Where were the fortune cookies invented?
Answer: San Francisco
Question: What is banned in public places in Florida after 6 pm on a Thursday?
Answer: Farting
Question: In Swedish, what is “entrance” and “driveway,” respectively?
Answer: “Infart” and “Uppfart.”
Question: When held to ultraviolet light, what animal’s urine glows in the dark?
Answer: Cat
Question: What animal cannot stick out its tongue?
Answer: Crocodiles
Question: A kangaroo can’t hop if what?
Answer: If something lifts its tail off the ground
Question: With how many bricks is the Empire State Building made of?
Answer: 10 million
Question: According to Russian law, a homeless person must be where after 10 pm?
Answer: At home
Question: How many years old the oldest piece of chewing gum?
Answer: 9,000 years
Question: On Sunday, what is illegal to sell in Columbus, Ohio?
Answer: Cornflakes
Question: What was Walt Disney afraid of?
Answer: Mice
Question: The police officers of the Washington officers to get a half-hour class about what?
Answer: Sitting down
Question: On average, what is the thing that Americans do 22 times in a day?
Answer: Open the fridge
Question: What is illegal to eat with a cherry pie in Kansas?
Answer: Ice cream
Question: What ailment kills the most fruit flies?
Answer: Constipation
Question: A crossbreed between a donkey and the zebra is known as?
Answer: Zonkey
Question: At which place you can find the Andamooka?
Answer: South Australia
Question: What kind of an animal is known as a horned toad?
Answer: A lizard
Question: Where do kiwi fruits originally come from?
Answer: China
Question: Who is known as Gambrinus?
Answer: Someone who is full of beer
Question: What kind of animal is a firefly?
Answer: Beetle
Question: What was the first fruit that was eaten on the moon?
Answer: Peach
Question: What is the highest-grossing holiday movie of all time?
Answer: Home Alone
Question: What is a haboob?
Answer: A type of sandstorm
Question: Who is the oldest man to win People Magazine’s sexiest man alive?
Answer: Sean Connery
Question: What U.S. state’s constitution is the longest in the world?
Answer: Alabama
Question: What was the first patented service uniform in the United States?
Answer: Playboy Bunny
Question: What two cities represent letters in the phonetic alphabet?
Answer: Lima and Quebec
Question: What were clocks missing before 1577?
Answer: Minute hands
Question: What is the number one seller at Walmart?
Answer: Bananas
Animal Trivia and Answers

Question: Which mammal is known to have the most powerful bite in the world?
Answer: Hippopotamus
Question: What object does a male penguin often gift to a female penguin to win her over?
Answer: A pebble
Question: How long is an elephant pregnant before it gives birth?
Answer: 22 Months
Question: What are the only two mammals are the only ones known to lay eggs?
Answer: The anteater and the duck-billed platypus
Question: Why are flamingos pink?
Answer: Because of their diet of algae, shrimps and crustaceans
Question: A dog sweats through which part of its body?
Answer: Its paws
Question: What is the size of a newborn kangaroo?
Answer: 1 inch
Trivia Question: How far away can a wolf smell its prey?
Answer: Almost 2 miles
Trivia Question: Which animal is known to spend 90% of its day, sleeping?
Answer: Koalas
Trivia Question: What color is the tongue of a giraffe?
Answer: Purple
Trivia Question: Which animal’s stripes are on their skin as well as their fur?
Answer: Tiger
Trivia Question: Which animal’s poop is known to take the shape of cubes?
Answer: Wombat
Trivia Question: Which nocturnal bird of prey is commonly associated with the night and known for its distinct "hoot" call?
Answer: Owl
Trivia Question: Under their white fur, what color is a polar bear’s skin?
Answer: Black
Trivia Question: How many compartments are in a cow’s stomach?
Answer: Four
Trivia Question: How long does it take a sloth to digest a meal?
Answer: Two weeks
Trivia Question: What is the name of the fastest land animal?
Answer: Cheetah
Trivia Question: A baby goat is called what?
Answer: Kid
Trivia Question: What’s the only mammal that’s able to fly?
Answer: Bat
Trivia Question: What’s a group of kittens called?
Answer: Kindle
Trivia Question: What are the horns of a rhinoceros made of?
Answer: Hair
Trivia Question: How many humps does a Bactrian camel have?
Answer: Two
Trivia Question: What name is given to a female deer?
Answer: Doe
Trivia Question: How do sea otters keep from drifting apart while they sleep?
Answer: They hold hands
Trivia Question: What animal is known by the nickname “sea cow?”
Answer: Manatees
Trivia Question: What adult insect emerges from the cocoon after the larval stage in the life cycle of butterflies and moths?
Answer: Imago
Trivia Question: What animal is said to have 9 lives?
Answer: Cat
Trivia Question: What is the only mammals that can’t jump?
Answer: Elephant
Trivia Question: What animal is the largest mammal in the world?
Answer: Blue Whale
Trivia Question: What animal eats mainly bamboo?
Answer: Panda
Question: What animal is known to be ‘man’s best friend’?
Answer: Dog
Trivia Question: Which animal can stand on its tail?
Answer: Kangaroo
Question: Which animal is the tallest in the world?
Answer: Giraffe
Trivia Question: How far can a skunk spray?
Answer: 10 feet
Question: What animal is covered in quills?
Answer: Porcupine
Trivia Question: A Pomsky is a mixture of what two dog breeds?
Answer: Pomeranian and Siberian Husky
Trivia Question: How much weight can ants lift?
Answer: 5,000 times their own body weight.
Trivia Question: What color are elephant hawk-moths?
Answer: Pink
Trivia Question: How are an insect’s eyes different from human eyes?
Answer: They are made up of thousands of tiny lenses
Trivia Question: How many eyes do caterpillars have?
Answer: Twelve
Trivia Question: What’s the largest group of insects?
Answer: Beetles
Trivia Question: What’s a newly hatched butterfly called?
Answer: Caterpillar
Trivia Question: How many legs do cockroaches have?
Answer: Six
Trivia Question: Fireflies are also known by what name?
Answer: Lightning bug
Trivia Question: What kind of turtle can’t retract into its shell?
Answer: Sea turtle
Trivia Question: What kind of animal is a Komodo dragon?
Answer: A Lizard
Trivia Question: What does a snake shed a few times a year?
Answer: Its skin
Trivia Question: Which animal can move its eyes independently?
Answer: A chameleon
Trivia Question: What animal breathes out of its butt?
Answer: Turtles
Trivia Question: How many layers of skin does a chameleon have?
Answer: Four
Trivia Question: What do snakes use to smell?
Answer: Their tongue
Trivia Question: What type of reptile can detach their tails when they are in danger and then regrow it?
Answer: Lizards
Entertainment Trivia and Answers

Trivia Question: Who was Saturday Night Live’s first celebrity host?
Answer: George Carlin
Trivia Question: What year saw the launch of the Academy Awards?
Answer: 1929
Trivia Question: How many seasons did the ‘Oprah Winfrey Show’ run for?
Answer: 25 seasons
Trivia Question: What is the name of the district in New York that is famous for hosting multiple touring musicals?
Answer: Broadway
Q: Which broadcasting network in the United States is solely dedicated to entertainment news and updates?
A: E! Entertainment
Q: What does the BBC stand for?
A: British Broadcasting Corporation
Q: Who was the host of the ‘Tonight Show’ from 1962-1992?
A: Johnny Carson
Q: What film won the most ‘Golden Raspberry' awards in 2010?
A: The Last Airbender
Q: Which popular ‘Vocaloid’ character is most associated with leeks?
A: Hatsune Miku
Q: What viral video predominantly featured the song ‘Dragostea Din Tei’ by Moldovan pop group ‘O-Zone’?
A:’ Numa Numa
Food & Drink Trivia and Answers

Question: Which country invented Gazpacho?
Answer: Spain
Question: Which hotel was the Singapore Sling originally invented?
Answer: Raffles Hotel
Question: Which country does the dish ‘Nasi Goreng’ come from?
Answer: Indonesia
Question: Which city was Currywurst invented?
Answer: Berlin
Question: Which country is famous for the fast-food chain ‘Jolibee’?
Answer: Philippines
Question: What chain of Canadian coffee shops can you find ‘Timbits’?
Answer: Tim Hortons
Question: Kimchi is a popular side dish from where?
Answer: Korea
Question: Guinness, the beer is an invention from where?
Answer: Ireland
Question: What is a popular dessert served in Japan during the summer months?
Answer: Kakigori
Trivia Question: What ingredients do you find in kaya jam?
Answer: Eggs, coconuts, and pandan leaves
Trivia Question: What is the name of a popular chicken/pork/beef skewer served in Southeast Asia?
Answer: Satay
Trivia Question: Which province of China is known for its spicy chilli peppers?
Answer: Sichuan
Trivia Question: Who invented peanut butter?
Answer: Marcellus Gilmore Edson
Question: Which country popularised the ‘Tim Tam Slam’?
Answer: Australia
Question: Which US State is known for their juicy peaches?
Answer: Georgia
Question: What is sushi traditionally wrapped in?
Answer: Nori (Seaweed)
Question: What does ‘Kosher’ mean in Hebrew?
Answer: Proper
Question: What is the main ingredient of a mince pie?
Answer: Fruit
Question: What is the official state fruit of New York?
Answer: Apple
Question: What is the name of a coffee drink prepared by diluting espresso with water?
Answer: Americano
Question: What does ‘Carne Asada’ mean in Spanish?
Answer: Grilled Beef
Question: What do you call a snack made up of marshmallows, graham crackers, and chocolate?
Answer: S’mores
Question: Which U.S State did the stew, Gumbo originate from?
Answer: Louisiana
Question: What do you call a cocktail consisting of coconut milk, rum, and pineapple?
Answer: Pina Colada
Question: What is James Bond’s preferred drink of choice?
Answer: Martini
Question: When was burger chain ‘In’n’Out’ founded?
Answer: 1948
Question: Which U.S State is the only state to grow its own coffee beans?
Answer: Hawaii
Question: Which soft drink was invented during WW2?
Answer: Fanta
Question: What is the name of a traditional Italian dessert composed of coffee, mascarpone cheese, and ladyfingers?
Answer: Tiramisu
Question: Mageirocophobia is the fear of what?
Answer: Cooking
Question: How many varieties of avocados are there?
Answer: 500
Question: What type of nuts are a Hawaiian staple?
Answer: Macadamia Nuts
Question: What is Sauerkraut made out of?
Answer: Cabbage
Question: What disease can be caused by a lack of Vitamin C?
Answer: Scurvy
Question: Who is the mascot for the fast food chain, KFC?
Answer: Colonel Sanders
Question: Which alcoholic beverage featured an advertising campaign focused on the ‘The Most Interesting Man in the World’ ?
Answer: Dos Equis
Question: What is the name of a Mexican street food consisting of corn on a stick?
Answer: Elotes
Question: What is the name of the salad that was invented at Hotel Caesar’s in Tijuana?
Answer: Caesar Salad
Question: Where can you commonly find Tzatziki sauce as a topping?
Answer; Gyros
Question: What does ‘UHT’ serve as an abbreviation for?
Answer: Ultra Heat Treated
Question: Under Muslim dietary restrictions, what is the name for foods that are acceptable under their lifestyle?
Answer: Halal
Question: When was tea first introduced into Europe from Asia?
Answer: 17th Century
Question: What was the name for chocolate consumed by Aztecs?
Answer: Xocoatl
Question: What do you call a popular mixed rice, meat, and vegetable dish in Korea?
Answer: Bibimbap
Question: How many ‘varieties’ are there in Heinz Tomato Ketchup?
Answer: 57 Varieties
Question: What is ‘fancy sauce’ (popularised from the movie Step Brothers) made up of?
Answer: Ketchup and Mayonnaise
Question: Prior to being called the Big Mac, what was this McDonald’s menu item’s previous name?
Answer: Blue Ribbon Burger
Question: Which berries give gin its strong flavor?
Answer: Juniper
Question: What is Ryuk’s favorite fruit?
Answer: Apples
Question: Which vegetable is a variant of Bananas, and used as a staple food in most Tropical regions?
Answer: Plantain
Geography Trivia and Answers

Q: What is the capital of Scotland?
A: Edinburgh
Q: TRUE or FALSE - Nova Scotia is on the east coast of Canada.
Q: Which country was NOT part of the Soviet Union?
A: Romania
Q: Which small country is located between the borders of France and Spain?
A: Andorra
Q: Where would you find the "Spanish Steps"?
A: Rome, Italy
Q: In which city, is the Big Nickel located in Canada?
A: Sudbury, Ontario
Q: Which of these island countries is located in the Caribbean?
A: Barbados
Q: What year is on the flag of the US state Wisconsin?
A: 1848
Q: How many countries border Kyrgyzstan?
A: 4
Q: What is the area of Vatican City?
A: 0.44km^2
History Trivia and Answers

Q: In the harbour of which city was the Greenpeace flagship Rainbow Warrior sunk in 1985?
Answer: Auckland
Q: Which country was split into two zones by the Yalta agreement?
Answer: Germany
Q:Who Commanded The Confederate Armies During The American Civil War?
Answer: Robert E.Lee
Q: In 1962, for what reason did Britain and France sign an agreement to build together?
Answer: Concorde
Q: During Which King's Reign Did The Great Fire Of London Occur?
Answer: Charles II
Q: Where in England was William Shakespeare born?
Answer: Stratford-Upon-Avon
Q: Who Was The 1st Wife of Henry VIII?
Answer: Catherine Of Aragon
Q: In what year did the UK's lease on Hong Kong expire?
Answer: 1997
Q: Famed as a member of the Rat Pack, who died on Christmas day 1995?
Answer: Dean Martin
Q: If you were born on Christmas Day, what would your star sign be?
Answer: Capricorn
Q: Which Chinese dynasty lasted from 1368 to 1644?
Answer: Ming
Q: What was the third country to get the atomic bomb?
Answer: Britain
Q: His wife was Roxana. His horse was Bacephalus. He was ________.
Answer: Alexander the Great
Q: What Was The 9th Century Tax Levied To Fight The Vikings?
Answer: Dane Geld
Q: In America, what became the 49th state to enter the union in 1959?
Answer: Alaska
Q: In Which Year Did The Falklands Conflict Begin?
Answer: 1982
Q: In what country did the "Sepoy Mutiny" occur?"
Answer: India
Q: Which King Was Overthrown As A Result Of The French Revolution?
Answer: Louis XVI
Q: In Which Year Was The Boeing 747 Put Into Regular Service?
Answer: 1970
Q: Who banned Christmas in Britain in 1647?
Answer: Oliver Cromwell
Q: Who was the father of Elizabeth I?
Answer: Henry VIII
Q: To What Was Byzantium Renamed In 330 AD?
Answer: Constantinople
Q: Who gave John F. Kennedy a dog named Pushinka?
Answer: Nikita Khrushchev
Q: Who was President of the USA from 1953 till 1961?
Answer: Dwight Eisenhower
Q: Who was assassinated on Feb. 21, 1965?
Answer: Malcolm X
Q: On What Japanese City Was The First Atomic Bomb Dropped?
Answer: Hiroshima
Q: Which King Wore Two Shirts At His Execution So As Not To Shiver And Appear Frightened?
Answer: Charles I
Q: Germany's WWI allies were Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and ________.
Answer: Turkey
Q: In 1969 Richard Cawston Made A Documentary For The BBC About Which Famous Family?
Answer: The Royal Family
Q: What did Temujin change his name to?
Answer: Genghis Khan
Q: Of What Tribe Was Boadicea The Head?
Answer: Iceni
Q: In which century was The Black Death?
Answer: Fourteenth
Q: Where was the ancient script of Linear A and Linear B found?
Answer: Crete
Q: Spain ceded Florida to Britain in exchange for this territory.
Answer: Cuba
Q: Who Was The First Woman To Fly Solo Across The Atlantic Ocean?
Answer: Amelia Earhart
Q: What color is Santa Claus's belt?
Answer: Black
Q: What Name Was Given To The Practise Of Killing Every Tenth Man In A Mutinous Roman Cohort?
Answer: Decimate
Q: Formed in 1955, with which island was the organization known by the acronym EOKA associated?
Answer: Cyprus
Q: What was the war between Argentina and Great Britain over?
Answer: Falkland Islands
Q: Who Was The 2nd Wife Of Henry VIII?
Answer: Anne Boleyn
Q: Who was assassinated on Nov. 22, 1963?
Answer: John F Kennedy
Q: Who was the first First Lady to be received privately by the Pope?
Answer: Jackie Kennedy
Q: Germany's allies in WW II were Japan, Italy, Hungary, Bulgaria, Finland, Libya, and _________.
Answer: Romania
Q: Who led 900 followers in a mass suicide in 1979?
Answer: Jim Jones
Q: Which country did Idi Amin invade in 1979?
Answer: Tanzania
Q: Who was the last of the apache warrior chiefs
Answer: Geronimo
Q: The Charge Of The Light Brigade Occurred During Which War
Answer: Crimean
Q: Approximately how many children did pharaoh Ramses II father?
Answer: 160
Q: Where were the Hanging Gardens?
Answer: Babylon
Q: What was The Eldest Son Of Edward III Better Known As?
Answer: The Black Prince
Q: Which 1776 American Affirmation Asserted The Basic Rights Of All?
Answer: The Declaration Of Independence
Q: In Which Year Was The Battle Of Trafalgar Fought?
Answer: 1805
Q: In 1979 which English art historian was exposed as a one-time Soviet spy and stripped of his knighthood?
Answer: Anthony Blunt
Q: Who was the British Prime Minister at the outbreak of the Second World War?
Answer: Neville Chamberlain
Q: Who Brought Back Tobacco And Potatoes From The Americas?
Answer: Sir Walter Raleigh
Q: How Long Was The American Civil War?
Answer: Four Years
Q: The Nordic countries (Denmark, Sweden, Norway notably) tend to celebrate Christmas chiefly on which date?
Answer: 24th December
Q: In What Year Was Queen Elizabeth The I Born?
Answer: 1533
Q: Which country blew up a Greenpeace ship in New Zealand?
Answer: France
Q: In 1953, Stalin Died. Who ultimately succeeded him as the leader of the Soviet Union?
Answer: Khrushchev
Q: Designed By Robert Fulton, Which Weapon Was Tested In The Seine In 1801?
Answer: The Submarine
Q: Where Did The Mayflower Set Sail From In 1620?
Answer: Southampton
Q: Who was assassinated on Dec. 8, 1980, in New York City?
Answer: John Lennon
Q: What planet was 'ALF' from?
Answer: Melmac
Q: What name did the Indians give the black soldiers that were fighting against them in the late 1800s?
Answer: Buffalo soldiers
Q: In March 1979, where did a major nuclear accident occur?
Answer: Three Mile Island
Q: How Many Crusades Were There?
Answer: Nine
Q: Which Scary Movie Character Has The Real Name Charles Lee Ray?
Answer: Chucky
Q: In Which Year Was Joan Of Arc Burned At The Stake?
Answer: 1431
Q: Who taught Alexander the Great?
Answer: Aristotle
Q: Which Royal House Ruled England Between 1603 & 1714?
Answer: The Stuarts
Q: What's Fidel Castro's brother's name?
Answer: Raoul
Q: Which War Involving The UK Began In 1982?
Answer: The Falklands War
Q: In Which City Was John F Kennedy Assassinated?
Answer: Dallas
Q: Of which ship was Miles Standish captain?
Answer: The Mayflower
Q: Which US state in 1907 was the last to declare Christmas a legal holiday?
Answer: Oklahoma
Q: What was the name of the B-29 used at Hiroshima to drop the bomb?
Answer: Enola Gay
Q: Who Was Marie Antoinette's Husband?
Answer: Louis XVI
Q: Who was assassinated on November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas?
Answer: President John F. Kennedy
Q: Prior to 1935 what was Iran known as?
Answer: Persia
Q: Which City Did The Allies Liberate On August 25th, 1944?
Answer: Paris
Q: Which famous Arab / Israeli war took place in 1973?
Answer: Yom Kippur war
Q: What Office Did Churchill Hold For The Longest Continuous Period?
Answer: Prime Minister
Q: Peter Jackson Is Responsible For Directing Which Famous Trilogy?
Answer: The Lord Of The Rings
Q: Who Played Bowls Before Engaging The Spanish Armada?
Answer: Sir Francis Drake
Q: Who shot Lee Harvey Oswald, The Assassin Of John F Kennedy?
Answer: Jack Ruby
Q: Who Had An 80's Hit With The Song 'Just The Two of Us,'?
Answer: Bill Withers
Q: In What Year Did Mikhail Gorbachev Become Leader Of The Soviet Union?
Answer: 1985
Q: Where was Napoleon defeated?
Answer: Waterloo
Q: When Captain Cook discovered the Hawaiian Islands, what did he name them?
Answer: Sandwich Islands
Q: U.S. President, Herbert C. _________.
Answer: Hoover
Q: Who Was President Of The USA At The Outbreak Of World War II?
Answer: Franklin Roosevelt
Q: In What Year Did The American Civil War End?
Answer: 1865
Q: The St. Valentine's Day massacre took place in this city?
Answer: Chicago
Q: What famous protest took place in Britain in 1936?
Answer: The Jarrow March
Q: The war in Vietnam ended with the fall of Saigon in what year?
Answer: 1975
Q: In what country is the waterloo battlefield?
Answer: Belgium
Q: Who is famous for historically riding naked on horseback through Coventry, England?
Answer: Lady Godiva
Q: Which is the most ancient walled city?
Answer: Jericho
Q: Who was crowned King of England at Westminster Abbey on Christmas day 1066?
Answer: William The Conqueror
Q: What Became America's 50th State On August 21st 1959? Hawaii
Q: In 1893, which country was the first to give women the vote?
Answer: New Zealand
Kid-Friendly Trivia and Answers

Q: Which monster is addicted to nothing but cookies?
A: Cookie Monster
Q: Which children’s show is known for its blue dog?
A: Blue’s Clues
Q: What is the name of the Royal English family’s residence?
A: Buckingham Palace
Q: Answer this riddle: “I am circular but not edible. I keep things moving and usually come in fours. What am I?”
A: A wheel
Q: What insects make honey?
A: Bees
Q: Why type of fish is Nemo?
A: Clownfish
Q: Where is the Statue of Liberty located?
A: New York
Q: What engines power airplanes?
A: Jet engines
Q: True or false: A tomato is a vegetable
A: False
Q: What does ‘piano’ refer to in music pitch?
A: Soft
Q: What is chocolate made from?
A: Cocoa beans
Q: What is the fastest animal on land?
A: Cheetah
Q: Where do you get milk?
A: Cows
Movie Trivia and Answers

Question: In the movie "Finding Nemo", who was Marlin’s wife?
Answer: Coral
Question: In what year was the original "Jurassic Park" film released?
Answer: 1993
Question: What substance is Han Solo frozen in during "The Empire Strikes Back"?
Answer: Carbonite
Trivia Question: What famous character is known for saying, "I'll be back"?
Answer: The Terminator
Trivia Question: What is Forrest Gump's IQ?
Answer: 75
Question: What is Batman’s city?
Answer: Gotham City
Question: Which villain is known for saying the following: “Why So Serious?”
Answer: The Joker
Question: Who always made an appearance in Marvel films until his death?
Answer: Stan Lee
Question: Which movie franchise character holds ‘family’ as the most important thing in the world?
Answer: Dominic Toretto
Question: What is the name of the rating used by the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) to indicate a film is restricted to adult audiences only?
Answer: NC-17 (No One 17 and Under Admitted)
Question: Which movie franchise is known for the following: “May the odds be ever in your favour.”
Answer: Hunger Games
Question: On the day of his wife's murder, what drink was Andy drinking in the movie "The Shawshank Redemption"?
Answer: Bourbon
Question: What is the name of Edward Norton's character in "Fight Club"?
Answer: Narrator
Question: What film is about a chocolate factory run by Willy Wonka?
Answer: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Question: Which movie famously featured ‘My Heart Will Go On’ by Celine Dion?
Answer: Titanic
Question: Which actor's roles include Rashomon and Yojimbo?
Answer: Bryan Singer
Question: Who was the director of X-Men (2000)?
Answer: Bryan Singer
Question: Which American singer and songwriter has starred in films including Dick Tracy and Evita?
Answer: Madonna
Question: Which movie is known for this famous quote: “Yo Adrian!”
Answer: Rocky
Trivia Question: Which actor's roles include Two and a Half Men and Mystic River?
Answer: Sean Penn
Trivia Question: Which series of films features a habitual serial killer called Michael Myers?
Answer: Halloween
Trivia Question: Which director directed Apocalypse Now?
Answer: Francis Ford Coppola
Question: What was the name of Eddie Murphy's character in Beverly Hills Cop?
Answer: Axel Foley
Trivia Question: Which actor has featured in films including The Last Emperor and Lawrence of Arabia?
Answer: David Lean
Trivia Question: Who directed Alien?
Answer: Ridley Scott
Trivia Question: Who plays the lead role of the accident-prone Clark Griswold in the 1989 'National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation''?
Answer: Chevy Chase
Trivia Question: The films Inglourious Basterds and 12 Years a Slave feature which actor?
Answer: Michael Fassbender
Question: The films The King's Speech and The English Patient feature which English actor?
Answer: Colin Firth
Question: The following is a line from which 1970's film? 'You talkin to me'?"
Answer: Taxi Driver
Question: The films ‘8 Women’ and ‘Dancer in the Dark’feature which French actress?
Answer: Catherine Deneuve
Question: In which 1970's films does Dustin Hoffman play the character ' Babe Levy'?
Answer: Marathon Man
Question: The following is a line from which film directed by Martin Scorcese? “Never rat on your friends, and keep your mouth shut.”
Answer: Goodfellas
Question: Which Italian-American actor, director and producer has starred in films including Sesame Street and The Godfather trilogy?
Answer: Robert De Niro
Question: Which film does Jack Black voice a shark in?
Answer: SharkTale
Question: Which Bond film did Daniel Craig’s begin portraying James Bond?
Answer: Casino Royale
Question: In Which Comedy Film Does Aretha Franklin Star As A Proprietress Of A Soul Food Joint?
Answer: The Blues Brothers
Question: Who directed Terminator 2: Judgment Day?
Answer: James Cameron
Question: What Was The Name Of The Film Which First Featured Bing Crosby's Song 'White Christmas''?
Answer: Holiday Inn
Question: Who plays the role of the Prime Minister, in the 2003 Christmas film 'Love Actually''?"
Answer: Hugh Grant
Question: Which American actor has starred in films including Hawaii Five-0 and Die Another Day?
Answer: Michael Madsen
Question: Which film stars Samuel L. Jackson and involves a bunch of snakes that have snuck onto an aeroplane?
Answer: Snakes on a Plane
Question: Which film series stars Johnny Depp as pirate Jack Sparrow?
Answer: Pirates of the Caribbean
Trivia Question: Which film series stars Jason Statham as a getaway driver?
Answer: The Transporter
Trivia Question: Which film features a young boy called Ralphie Parker who is constantly told he will ‘shoot his eye out’.
Answer: A Christmas Story
Question: The films Boardwalk Empire and Pulp Fiction feature which actor?
Answer: Steve Buscemi
Question: Who was the director for Interstellar?
Answer: Christopher Nolan
Question: Which film involves people entering other people’s dreams?
Answer: Inception
Question: In which American state is George A. Romero's 1968 film 'Night Of The Living Dead' set?
Answer: Pennsylvania
Question: What is the name of Simon Pegg’s and Nick Frost’s film trilogy?
Answer: Three Flavors Cornetto Trilogy
Music Trivia and Answers

Q: Which musician sang the National Anthem during the 2010 Super Bowl?
A: Christina Aguilera
Q: Which male Hawaiian musician was well known for his cover of ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow?”
A: Israel Kamakawiwoʻole
Q: In 2009, this song by the Black Eyed Peas was nominated as ‘Song of the Year’ during the 2009 World Music Awards. What song was it?
A: I Gotta Feeling
Q: 2011 saw the release of this house music track produced by the late Avicii. What was the song?
A: Levels
Q: Where was the singer Adele born?
A: London, England
Q: What is the full name of the rapper ‘Puff Daddy’?
A: Sean John Combs
Q: True or False: Hatsune Miku is a real-life human singer from Japan
A: False
Q: Which song made the Korean rapper ‘PSY’’ a viral sensation in 2012?
A: Gangnam Style
Q: Comedian Jack Black is also a singer for which band?
A: Tenacious D
Q: What is the name of this music trio from Saturday Night Live who was also behind the show’s ‘Digital Sketches’?
A: The Lonely Island
Q: Which band wrote songs that also served as the theme songs for CSI, CSI: NY, and CSI: Miami respectively?
A: The Who
Q: This former WWE wrestler also provided the vocals for ‘You’re Welcome’ in the film ‘Moana’. Name him.
A: Dwayne Johnson (‘The Rock’)
Q: ‘1989’ is an album title for which pop singer?
A: Taylor Swift
Q: What is the name of a genre of electronic music that consists of “ slowed-down, samples of smooth jazz, R&B, and lounge music from the 1980s and 1990s.”?
A: Vaporwave
Q: When did Swedish House Mafia break up, before announcing their return in 2019?
A: 2014
Q: True or False: While known for ‘What a Wonderful World’, jazz musician Louis Armstrong also sang a theme for a James Bond film.
A: True
Q: ‘Stellar Stellar’ is a song by which Japanese music artist?
A: Hoshimachi Suisei
Q: Which band is ‘’ part of?
A: Black Eyed Peas
Pop Culture Trivia and Answers

Q: Dubliners' was written by which author?
Answer: James Joyce
Q: Among other public buildings in a certain town, which for many reasons it will be prudent to refrain from mentioning, and to which I will assign no fictitious name, there is one anciently common to most towns, great or small: to wit, a workhouse; and in this workhouse was born; on a day and date which I need not trouble myself to repeat, inasmuch as it can be of no possible consequence to the' This is the first line of which piece of written work?
Answer: Oliver Twist
Q: A group of English painters formed in 1848. These artists attempted to recapture an old style of painting. They rejected industrialized England and focused on painting from nature, producing detailed, colorful works. What were they called?
Answer: Pre-Raphaelite
Q: Which American author wrote ''Salem's Lot'?
Answer: Stephen King
Q: In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I’ve been turning over in my mind ever since.' This is the first line of which piece of written work?
Answer: The Great Gatsby
Q: What is the nationality of Picasso?
Answer: Spanish
Q: The Legend of the Condor Heroes' was written by which Chinese writer?
Answer: Jin Yong
Q: Neville Longbottom appears in which book series?
Answer: Harry Potter
Q: Which piece of written work starts with the line 'For a week Mr. R. Childan had been anxiously watching the mail. But the valuable shipment from the Rocky Mountain States had not arrived. As he opened up his store on Friday morning and saw only letters on the floor by the mail slot he thought, I’m going to have an angry customer.'?
Answer: The Man in the High Castle
Q: In 1526 Hans Holbein became the official portrait painter of which English king?
Answer: Henry VIII
Q: The Metamorphosis' was written by which Prague-born author of novels and short stories written in German?
Answer: Franz Kafka
Q: The character 'Lady Catherine de Bourgh' appears in which book?
Answer: Pride and Prejudice
Q: Mrs. Rachel Lynde lived just where the Avonlea main road dipped down into a little hollow, fringed with alders and ladies' eardrops and traversed by a brook that had its source away back in the woods of the old Cuthbert place;' This is the first line of which piece of written work?
Answer: Anne of Green Gables
Q: Which Ancient Greek writer was famous for his Fables?
Answer: Aesop
Q: On the Origin of Species' was written by which author?
Answer: Charles Darwin
Q: The character 'Sancho Panza' appears in which book?
Answer: Don Quixote
Q: One thing was certain, that the white kitten had had nothing to do with it: — it was the black kitten’s fault entirely.' This is the first line of which 1871 piece of written work?
Answer: Through the Looking-Glass
Q: Who painted "The Creation Of Adam"?
Answer: Michelangelo
Q: Which author wrote 'The Wheel of Time'?
Answer: Robert Jordan
Q: The villagers of Little Hangleton still called it "the Riddle House" even though it has been many years since the Riddle family had lived there.' This is the first line of which piece of written work?
Answer: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Q: What famous character did Edgar Rice Burroughs create?
Answer: Tarzan
Q: The Adventures of Tom Bombadil' was written by which British philologist and author of classic high fantasy works?
Answer: J. R. R. Tolkien
Q: Icarus appears in which book?
Answer: Metamorphoses
Q: The family of Dashwood had been long settled in Sussex.' This is the first line of which piece of written work?
Answer: Sense and Sensibility
Q: In which book does 'Jane Bennet' appear?
Answer: Pride and Prejudice
Q: Coraline' was written by which English fantasy writer?
Answer: Neil Gaiman
Q: Mrs. Rachel Lynde lived just where the Avonlea main road dipped down into a little hollow, fringed with alders and ladies' eardrops and traversed by a brook that had its source away back in the woods of the old Cuthbert place;' This is the first line of which 1908 piece of written work?
Answer: Anne of Green Gables
Q: Who Wrote The 1951 Novel The Catcher in the Rye?
Answer: J.D Salinger
Q: Which author wrote 'Partners in Crime'?
Answer: Agatha Christie
Q: Aragorn sped on up the hill.' This is the first line of which 1954 piece of written work?
Answer: The Two Towers
Q: The Fall of the King' was written by which author?
Answer: Johannes V. Jensen
Q: Sancho Panza appears in which book?
Answer: Don Quixote
Q: Published in 1881, which piece of written work starts with the line 'I will set down a tale as it was told to me by one who had it of his father, which latter had it of HIS father, this last having in like manner had it of HIS father—and so on, back and still back, three hundred years and more, the fathers transmitting it to the sons and so preserving it.'?
Answer: The Prince and the Pauper
Q: What is the name of the Duke of Milan who casts a spell on a ship in 'The Tempest'?
Answer: Prospero
Q: Which English playwright and poet wrote 'Much Ado About Nothing'?
Answer: William Shakespeare
Q: In which book does the character 'Lady Catherine de Bourgh' appear?
Answer: Pride and Prejudice
Q: Which piece of written work starts with the line 'There was no possibility of taking a walk that day.'?
Answer: Jane Eyre
Q: Who wrote "Gullivers Travels"?
Answer: Jonathan Swift
Q: Which author wrote 'Cendrillon'?
Answer: Charles Perrault
Q: Which piece of written work starts with the line 'All this happened, more or less.'?
Answer: Slaughterhouse-Five
Q: The Charterhouse of Parma' was written by which French writer?
Answer: Stendhal
Q: Tuor appears in which book?
Answer: The Silmarillion
Q: Mio, My Son' was written by which Swedish writer of children's books, song lyrics and screenplays?
Answer: Astrid Lindgren
Q: Published in 1865, which piece of written work starts with the line 'Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, “and what is the use of a book,” thought Alice, “without pictures or conversations?”
Answer: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Q: Which author penned the Discworld Series of sci-fi novels?
Answer: Terry Pratchett
Q: Which author wrote 'Ozymandias'?
Answer: Percy Bysshe Shelley
Q: In which book series does 'Neville Longbottom' appear?
Answer: Harry Potter
Q: Which piece of written work starts with the line 'Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins.'?
Answer: Lolita
Q: Which author wrote the "Just So Stories"?
Answer: Rudyard Kipling
Q: Which author wrote 'The Fall of the King'?
Answer: Johannes V. Jensen
Q: In which book does 'Icarus' appear?
Answer: Metamorphoses
Q: “What's it going to be then, eh?” There was me, that is Alex, and my three droogs, that is Pete, Georgie, and Dim, Dim being really dim, and we sat in the Korova Milkbar making up our rassoodocks what to do with the evening, a flip dark chill winter bastard though dry.' This is the first line of which piece of written work?
Answer: A Clockwork Orange
Q: Which author wrote 'A Hero of Our Time'?
Answer: Mikhail Lermontov
Q: Published in 1597, which piece of written work starts with the line 'Two households, both alike in dignity, in fair Verona, where we lay our scene, from ancient grudge break to new mutiny, where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.'?
Answer: Romeo and Juliet
Q: Who created Winnie the Pooh?
Answer: A. A. Milne
Q: The Turn of the Screw' was written by which author?
Answer: Henry James
Q: Which piece of written work starts with the line 'Stately, plump Buck Mulligan came from the stairhead, bearing a bowl of lather on which a mirror and a razor lay crossed.'?
Answer: Ulysses
Q: Which US dramatist was once married to Marylin Monroe and penned the plays "Death Of A Salesman" and "The Crucible"?
Answer: Arthur Miller
Q: Which author wrote the 'Foundation series'?
Answer: Isaac Asimov
Q: In which book does 'Lady Catherine de Bourgh' appear?
Answer: Pride and Prejudice
Q: Published in 1937, which piece of written work starts with the line 'In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit.'?
Answer: The Hobbit
Q: Which Famous Artist Was Shot And Wounded By Valeria Solanis In 1968?
Answer: Andy Warhol
Q: Which American author, poet, editor and literary critic wrote 'The Oval Portrait'?
Answer: Edgar Allan Poe
Q: What story features flopsy, mopsy, and cottontail?
Answer: Peter Rabbit
Q: Which German novelist, and 1929 Nobel Prize laureate wrote 'Buddenbrooks (1909 Deutsche Buchgemeinschaft ed.)'?
Answer: Thomas Mann
Q: In which book does the character 'Tuor' appear?
Answer: The Silmarillion
Q: Published in 1925, which piece of written work starts with the line 'In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I’ve been turning over in my mind ever since.'?
Answer: The Great Gatsby
Q: In which book does 'Thorin' appear?
Answer: The Hobbit
Q: Which author wrote 'A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court'?
Answer: Mark Twain
Q: Which piece of written work starts with the line 'Two households, both alike in dignity, in fair Verona, where we lay our scene, from ancient grudge break to new mutiny, where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.'?
Answer: Romeo and Juliet
Q: Who penned the words, 'Hubble, bubble toil and trouble, fire burn and cauldron bubble'?
Answer: William Shakespeare
Q: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader' was written by which author?
Answer: C. S. Lewis
Q: Which painter reputedly cut off his own ear?
Answer: Van Gogh
Q: Which French novelist, poet, and playwright wrote 'Michael Strogoff'?
Answer: Jules Verne
Q: In which book does the character 'Sancho Panza' appear?
Answer: Don Quixote
Q: Which art technique can be described as "Reducing or distorting in order to represent three-dimensional space as perceived by the eye"?
Answer: Foreshortening
Q: Which Irish writer and poet wrote 'The Picture of Dorian Gray'?
Answer: Oscar Wilde
Q: Who wrote "The Great Gatsby"?
Answer: F. Scott Fitzgerald
Q: Which English novelist wrote 'Pride and Prejudice'?
Answer: Jane Austen
Q: Breakfast at Tiffany's' was written by which American author (1924-1984)?
Answer: Truman Capote
Q: 3 May. Bistritz. - Left Munich at 8.35 p.m. on 1st May, arriving at Vienna early next Morning; should have arrived at 6.46, but train was an hour late.' This is the first line of which piece of written work?
Answer: Dracula
Q: The History of Middle-earth' was written by which author?
Answer: J. R. R. Tolkien
Q: In which book does the character 'Icarus' appear?
Answer: Metamorphoses
Q: Mr and Mrs. Dursley, of number four, Privet Drive, were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much.' This is the first line of which piece of written work?
Answer: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Q: In the Dr. Seuss books, which elephant hatched an egg?
Answer: Horton
Q: Trigger Warning: Short Fictions and Disturbances' was written by which English fantasy writer?
Answer: Neil Gaiman
Q: There was Eru, the One, who in Arda is called Ilúvatar; and he made first the Ainur, the Holy Ones, that were the offspring of his thought, and they were with him before aught else was made.' This is the first line of which piece of written work?
Answer: The Silmarillion
Q: Who wrote "Great Expectations"?
Answer: Charles Dickens
Q: Which Scottish physician and author wrote 'The Valley of Fear'?
Answer: Arthur Conan Doyle
Q: You will rejoice to hear that no disaster has accompanied the commencement of an enterprise which you have regarded with such evil forebodings.' This is the first line of which piece of written work?
Answer: Frankenstein
Q: Which author wrote 'The Adventures of Tom Bombadil'?
Answer: J. R. R. Tolkien
Q: Not for the first time, an argument had broken out over breakfast at number four, Privet drive' This is the first line of which piece of written work?
Answer: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Q: The formation of vegetable mould, through the action of worms : with observations on their habits' was written by which British naturalist, author of "On the origin of species, by means of natural selection" (1809-1882)?
Answer: Charles Darwin
Q: For a week Mr. R. Childan had been anxiously watching the mail. But the valuable shipment from the Rocky Mountain States had not arrived. As he opened up his store on Friday morning and saw only letters on the floor by the mail slot he thought, I’m going to have an angry customer.' This is the first line of which piece of written work?
Answer: The Man in the High Castle
Q: Who is the protagonist of Milton's Paradise Lost?
Answer: Satan
Q: Which Prague-born author of novels and short stories written in German wrote 'Amerika'?
Answer: Franz Kafka
Q: When we look to the individuals of the same variety or sub‐variety of our older cultivated plants and animals, one of the first points which strikes us, is, that they generally differ much more from each other, than do the individuals of any one species or variety in a state of nature.' This is the first line of which 1859 piece of written work?
Answer: On the Origin of Species
Q: Which author wrote 'Rendezvous with Rama'?
Answer: Arthur C. Clarke
Q: In which book does 'Sancho Panza' appear?
Answer: Don Quixote
Q: Published in 1886, which piece of written work starts with the line 'Mr Utterson the lawyer was a man of a rugged countenance, that was never lighted by a smile; cold, scanty and embarrassed in discourse; backward in sentiment; lean, long, dusty, dreary and yet somehow lovable.'?
Answer: Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Q: What Irish playwright and author, wrote "The Importance of Being Ernest" and "A Picture of Dorian Grey" among others?
Answer: Oscar Wilde
Q: Selected Stories (Munro)' was written by which author?
Answer: Alice Munro
Q: Pan Tadeusz' was written by which author?
Answer: Adam Mickiewicz
Q: In which book does 'Tuor' appear?
Answer: The Silmarillion
Q: Mansfield Park' was written by which English novelist?
Answer: Jane Austen
Q: For a week Mr. R. Childan had been anxiously watching the mail. But the valuable shipment from the Rocky Mountain States had not arrived. As he opened up his store on Friday morning and saw only letters on the floor by the mail slot he thought, I’m going to have an angry customer.' This is the first line of which 1962 piece of written work?
Answer: The Man in the High Castle
Q: Who wrote "Far From The Madding Crowd"?
Answer: Thomas Hardy
Q: Which Prague-born author of novels and short stories written in German wrote 'In the Penal Colony'?
Answer: Franz Kafka
Q: The character 'Tuor' appears in which book?
Answer: The Silmarillion
Q: Harry Potter was a highly unusual boy in many ways.' This is the first line of which piece of written work?
Answer: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Q: Stephen King's: "Salem's _________".
Answer: Lot
Q: Partners in Crime' was written by which English mystery and detective writer?
Answer: Agatha Christie
Q: Which piece of written work starts with the line 'Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, “and what is the use of a book,” thought Alice, “without pictures or conversations?”'?
Answer: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Q: The Tommyknockers' was written by which American author?
Answer: Stephen King
Q: Which piece of written work starts with the line 'Scarlett O’Hara was not beautiful, but men seldom realized it when caught by her charm as the Tarleton twins were.'?
Answer: Gone with the Wind
Q: What Shakespearean play refers to the date of epiphany?
Answer: Twelfth Night
Q: Which author wrote 'The Sandman'?
Answer: Neil Gaiman
Q: Lady Catherine de Bourgh appears in which book?
Answer: Pride and Prejudice
Q: In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I’ve been turning over in my mind ever since.' This is the first line of which 1925 piece of written work?
Answer: The Great Gatsby
Q: In "Romeo and Juliet", who said, "I have a faint cold, fear thrills through my veins"?
Answer: Juliet
Q: Tarzan of the Apes' was written by which author?
Answer: Edgar Rice Burroughs
Q: In the year 1878, I took my degree of Doctor of Medicine of the University of London, and proceeded to Netley to go through the course prescribed for surgeons in the army.' This is the first line of which piece of written work?
Answer: A Study in Scarlet
Q: Which author wrote 'Intrigue and Love'?
Answer: Friedrich Schiller
Q: Which piece of written work starts with the line 'The villagers of Little Hangleton still called it "the Riddle House" even though it has been many years since the Riddle family had lived there.'?
Answer: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Q: Gulliver's Travels' was written by which Anglo-Irish satirist, essayist and poet?
Answer: Jonathan Swift
Q: Stately, plump Buck Mulligan came from the stairhead, bearing a bowl of lather on which a mirror and a razor lay crossed.' This is the first line of which piece of written work?
Answer: Ulysses
Science Trivia and Answers

Q: What is Sporalogy the study of?
Answer: a parody of astrology
Q: What energy does an Eolic power station generate?
Answer: Wind
Q: What is Exobiology the study of?
Answer: life in outer space
Q: What is the symbol for copper?
Answer: Cu
Q: What is Hydrogeology the study of?
Answer: underground water
Q: A __________ consumes about 33 percent of its body weight in a single meal.
Answer: Pelican
Q: What is Laryngology the study of?
Answer: the larynx, or voice box; a branch of medicine
Q: Which metal was invented by British metallurgist Harold Brearley in 1912?
Answer: Stainless Steel
Q: What is Ideology the study of?
Answer: sometimes spelled idealogy, is a system of ideas about politics, human life or culture
Q: The king crab walks __________
Answer: Diagonally
Q: What is Anthropology the study of?
Answer: humans
Q: To What Is The Process Of Vulcanisation Applied?
Answer: Rubber
Q: What is Cryptology the study of?
Answer: how to encrypt and decrypt secret messages
Q: Which chemical has the atomic number one?
Answer: Hydrogen
Q: What is Oology the study of?
Answer: eggs
Q: What does a micron measure?
Answer: Distance
Q: What is Neonatology the study of?
Answer: diseases and the care of newborn infants; a branch of pediatrics/paediatrics
Q: The crayfish isn't a fish at all,iit is related to the __________
Answer: Lobster
Q: What is Oceanology the study of?
Answer: oceans
Q: Which is the largest known butterfly?
Answer: Queen Alexandra's Birdwing
Q: What is Symptomatology the study of?
Answer: symptoms
Q: Which science deals with the motion of projectiles?
Answer: Ballistics
Q: What is Nutriology the study of?
Answer: nutrition
Q: Which astronomer had a metal nose?
Answer: Tycho Brahe
Q: What is Lexicology the study of?
Answer: the signification and application of words
Q: How many degrees does the earth rotate each hour
Answer: Fifteen
Sports Trivia and Answers

Q: Which snooker player was fined 20,000 for assaulting an official in 1996?
Answer: Ronnie O'Sullivan
Q: In which sport is the America's Cup awarded?
Answer: Sailboat racing
Q: In which sport does Lee Westwood play?
Answer: Golf
Q: How many balls are on a pool table at the start of a game?
Answer: 16
Q: What Is The Name Of The Player In Baseball Who Is Positioned Behind The Home Plate
Answer: Catcher
Q: What Sport Do The Harlem Globetrotters Play?
Answer: Basketball
Q: Which Country Won The First Football World Cup?
Answer: Uruguay
Q: What Surname Has Been Shared By Three Formula One Champions Of The 20th Century?
Answer: Hill
Q: What sport do the following terms belong to - "Hotdog & Bottom Trun"?
Answer: Surfing
Q: In Which County Is Lord's Cricket Ground?
Answer: Middlesex
Q: What Nationality Is Former Snooker World Champion Cliff Thorburn?
Answer: Canadian
Q: In a game of netball how many players on a team are allowed To score?
Answer: Two
Q: In Which Sport Was Desmond Douglas Britain's Leading Competitor?
Answer: Table Tennis
Q: In A Decathlon What Is The First Event
Answer: 100 Metres
Q: Which Sporting Event Was BBC2's First Ever Colour Transmission In 1967?
Answer: Wimbledon
Q: What is the 'perfect score' in a game of Ten Pin Bowling?
Answer: 300
Q: With which sport would you have associated Jocky Wilson?
Answer: Darts
Q: With what did cricketer Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi frequently play within his hands?
Answer: A glass eye
Q: Who Did France Beat To Win The Euro 2000 Football Final?
Answer: Italy
Q: The Pumas Are The Rugby Team Of Which Country?
Answer: Argentina
Q: Who is Mega Man's sister?
Answer: Roll
Q: The Denver ____?
Answer: Broncos
Q: Which German Grand Prix circuit was used for a Formula 1 race for the last time in 1976, when Niki Lauda was almost killed?
Answer: Nurburgring
Q: How many points wind a game in badminton?
Answer: 15
Q: What was Jack Nicklaus' nickname?
Answer: Golden Bear
Q: In Which Country Were The 1992 Olympics Held?
Answer: Spain
Q: If you're killing a goomba, what game are you playing?
Answer: Super Mario Bros.
Q: How Many Tournaments make up a Grand Slam In Golf?
Answer: 4
Q: What Type Of Fruit Is Depicted On Top Of The Men's Singles Trophy At Wimbledon?
Answer: A Pineapple
Q: In Which Athletic Event Was Colin Jackson A Dominant Figure?
Answer: 110m Hurdles
Q: The Duckworth Lewis Method Is Used To Keep The Score In Which Sport?
Answer: Cricket
Q: In what sport did the word 'crestfallen' originate?
Answer: Cockfighting
Q: What Numbers Are Either Side Of 20 On A Dartboard
Answer: 5 And 1
Q: In Formula One what does it mean when they are waving a black flag?
Answer: A Driver Has Been Disqualified
Q: What Colour Is The 8 Ball In A Game Of Pool?
Answer: Black
Q: Which snooker player was fined 20,000 for assaulting an official in 1996?
Answer: Ronnie O'Sullivan
Q: What 3 Letter Word It The Name Given To A Replayed Point In Tennis?
Answer: Let
Q: Which Heavyweight Boxer Was Known As The Real Deal?
Answer: Evander Holyfield
Q: In 1998 Who Became The Youngest Footballer To Score A Hat Trick In The English Premiership?
Answer: Michael Owen
Q: Which Boys Name Is Also The Name Of The Object Ball In Bowls?
Answer: Jack
Q: What football team was formerly known as the Frankford Yellow Jackets?
Answer: Philadelphia Eagles
Q: Which Country Won The First Football World Cup?
Answer: Uruguay
Q: Which Swimming Stroke Was Introduced Into Competition In 1952
Answer: Butterfly
Q: How Many Consecutive Wimbledon Titles Did Bjorn Borg Win?
Answer: Five
Q: Over What Distance Is A Steeple Chase Run?
Answer: 3,000 Metres
Q: Who was the NBA MVP in 1976, 77, and 80?
Answer: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
Q: Which Female Tennis Star Was Handed A Two Year Ban After Testing Positive For Cocaine At Wimbledon In 2007?
Answer: Martina Hingis
Q: Name The 3 Female Characters In The Game Cluedo
Answer: Mrs. White, Miss Scarlet, Mrs. Peacock
Q: In 1999, which Premier League footballer was voted PFA player of the year?
Answer: David Ginola
Q: How Many Players Are In A Basketball Team?
Answer: Five
Q: What arcade game became a hit in 1973?
Answer: Pong
Q: What sport do the following terms belong to - "Tight End & Wide Receiver"?
Answer: American Football
Q: In 1995 Which Formula One Driver Signed For McLaren But Couldn't Fit In The Car?
Answer: Nigel Mansell
Q: Baseball: The Baltimore ________.
Answer: Orioles
Q: How many players make up a field hockey team?
Answer: Eleven
Q: Who is the first gym leader you fight in 'Pokémon' for the Game Boy?
Answer: Brock
Q: Which darts player became the first in his sport to receive an MBE in 1989?
Answer: Eric Bristow
Q: Where were the 1920 Olympics held?
Answer: Belgium
Q: Which Now Legendary Sports Chant Reached No.1 In 1996
Answer: Three Lions
Q: Which Shooting Season Begins On The Glorious Twelfth?
Answer: Grouse
Q: Which Country Did Chelsea Striker Didier Drogba Represent At International Level?
Answer: Ivory Coast
Q: Monza & Silverstone Are Venues For Which Sport?
Answer: Formula One
Q: In Boxing, Fighting With Gloves Became Standard In 1867 After The Formulation Of Which Set Of Rules?
Answer: The Queensbury Rules
Q: What Are The Names Of The Ghosts In The Classic 80's Video Game Pac-Man?
Answer: Inky, Pinky, Blinky & Clyde
Q: The Solheim Cup Is The Woman's Equivalent Of Which Famous Sporting Cup?
Answer: The Ryder Cup
Q: In Baseball where do the braves come from?
Answer: Atalanta
Q: At which sporting venue are the Grace Gates?
Answer: Lord's
Q: What sport was first introduced into the Olympics in 2000?
Answer: Trampoline
Q: In a game of netball how many players on a team are allowed To score?
Answer: Two
Q: Who was the first boxer to defeat Lennox Lewis in a professional bout?
Answer: Oliver McCall
Q: Who Was The First Footballer To Receive A Knighthood?
Answer: Sir Stanley Matthews
Q: Which English football team are nicknamed the Tractor Boys?
Answer: Ipswich Town
Q: Which footballer was England's first black player?
Answer: Viv Anderson
Q: This sport is called the "American pastime"?
Answer: Baseball
Q: What Nationality Is Former Snooker World Champion Cliff Thorburn?
Answer: Canadian
Q: In which sport is the America's Cup awarded?
Answer: Sailboat racing
Q: How Many Players Are In A Polo Team?
Answer: 4
Q: How Many Dice Do You Have In A Backgammon Set?
Answer: 5
Q: Which legendary games designer/producer created the Super Mario Brothers franchise for Nintendo?
Answer: Shigeru Miyamoto
Q: What Is The Name Of The White Ball In A Game Of Bowls?
Answer: The Jack
Q: Which Jump Event Did Carl Lewis Specialize In As Well As The Sprint?
Answer: Long Jump
Q: What is the heaviest class of weight-lifting?
Answer: Super heavyweight
Q: Which English Footballer Was Sent Off In The 1998 World Cup?
Answer: David Beckham
Q: Which Country Hosted The 2004 Summer Olympics?
Answer: Greece
Q: In tenpin bowling, how many points does a perfect game consist of?
Answer: 300
Q: In 1992 Kevin Keegan became manager of which football club?
Answer: Newcastle United
Q: How many pockets does a snooker table have?
Answer: Six
Q: In Bowling What Is The Term For Knocking Down All Ten Pins With 2 Consecutive Balls?
Answer: A Spare
Q: What Surname Has Been Shared By Three Formula One Champions Of The 20th Century?
Answer: Hill
Q: Which Game Makes Use Of Hoops
Answer: Croquet
Q: Name The Rugby Union Trophy For Which England & Scotland Compete
Answer: Calcutta Cup
Q: A Statue Of Billy Bremner Stands Outside The Ground Of Which Football Ground?
Answer: Leeds United
Q: Who Was The First Player To Score 100 Goals In The Football Premiership League?
Answer: Alan Shearer
Q: Which was the second club to win the English Premier League?
Answer: Blackburn Rovers
Q: How many seams are there in American football?
Answer: Four
Q: Which England Rugby Union international was fined £15,000 for bringing the game into disrepute?
Answer: Lawrence Dallaglio
Q: Which sport is played by the Minnesota Twins?
Answer: Baseball
Q: What Did The Inter-Cities Fairs Cup Change It's Name To?
Answer: UEFA Cup
Q: What was the hybrid pinball/video game in the Pac-Man series?
Answer: Baby Pac-Man
Q: Who Did Muhammed Ali Fight In 'The Rumble In The Jungle''?
Answer: George Foreman
Q: Which player won her last tennis Grand Slam Tournament in Paris in 1999?
Answer: Steffi Graff
Q: How many seams are there on a football (American)?
Answer: Four
Q: What Is the Mark Behind Which Dart Player Must Stand Called?
Answer: The Oche
Q: How Many Draughts Are On The Board At The Start Of A Game?
Answer: 24
Q: In which English city did Roger Bannister become the first man to run a mile in under 4 minutes?
Answer: Oxford
Q: What in 1926, did Gertrude Ederle become the first woman to do?
Answer: Swim Across The English Channel
Q: What does the acronym "NES" stand for?
Answer: Nintendo Entertainment System
Q: How Many Players Are There In A Volleyball Team?
Answer: 6
Q: Which Team Has Won The County Cricket Championships The Most Often?
Answer: Yorkshire
Q: In 1974 who was sacked from his position of England football manager?
Answer: Alf Ramsey
Q: What Sport Do The Harlem Globetrotters Play?
Answer: Basketball
Q: Who was the 1978 Wimbledon Women's Singles champ?
Answer: Martina Navratilova
Q: The Rockets Basketball Team & The Astros Baseball Team Both Hail From Which US City?
Answer: Houston
Q: Which Grade Follows A Yellow Belt In Judo
Answer: Orange
Q: How many balls are on a pool table at the start of a game?
Answer: 16
Q: How many fighters are playable in 'Street Fighter II'?
Answer: 8
Q: What did the letters in ROB (the old NES peripheral) stand for?
Answer: Robotic Operating Buddy
Q: Which motorcyclist is known as (Foggy)?
Answer: Carl Foggarty
Q: In which decade was cricket's first World Cup Final played?
Answer: 1970's
Q: In April 2003 Who Became The Oldest Man To Be Rated No1 In The World Tennis Association Rankings At The Age Of 33?
Answer: Andre Agassi
Q: Where were the 1992 Olympics held?
Answer: Barcelona
Q: How many referees work a soccer game?
Answer: One
Q: Basketball: The Boston ___________.
Answer: Celtics
Q: In hockey, what is the equivalent of a rugby scrum?
Answer: Face Off
Q: American Football: The New Orleans __________.
Answer: Saints
Q: Which Football Team Are Known As The Toffees
Answer: Everton
Q: How many human players are in a polo team?
Answer: Four
Q: What Type Of Race Got Its Name From A Short Dash Between 2 Churches?
Answer: Steeple Chase
Technology Trivia and Answers

Q: The Harvard architecture for micro-controllers added which additional bus?
Answer: Instruction
Q: What are the base station trackers used for the HTC Vive called?
Answer: Lighthouse
Q: The term "battery" to describe an electrical storage device was coined by?
Answer: Benjamin Franklin
Q: Which company designed the "Betamax" video cassette format?
Answer: Sony
Q: Which buzzword did Apple Inc. use to describe their removal of the headphone jack?
Answer: Courage
Q: Who patented a steam engine that produced continuous rotary motion?
Answer: James Watt
Q: When was the Tamagotchi digital pet released?
Answer: 1996
Q: In what year was the Oculus Rift revealed to the public through a Kickstarter campaign?
Answer: 2012
Q: When was the DVD invented?
Answer: 1995
Q: When did the CD begin to appear on the consumer market?
Answer: 1982
Q: When was the iPhone released?
Answer: 2007
Q: Who built the first laser?
Answer: Theodore Harold Maiman
Q: Which company developed the Hololens?
Answer: Microsoft
Q: Which of the following cellular device companies is NOT headquartered in Asia?
Answer: Nokia
Q: Mobile hardware and software company "Blackberry Limited" was founded in which country?
Answer: Canada
Q: What round is a classic AK-47 chambered in?
Answer: 7.62x39mm
Q: What is the "Mitsubishi Wakamaru"?
Answer: A robot
Q: Out of all of the NASA Space Shuttles, which 2 have been destroyed in disasters?
Answer: Challenger and Columbia
Q: What is the most significant side venture the popular firearms company, Remington, has pursued?
Answer: Typewriters
Q: Moore's law originally stated that the number of transistors on a microprocessor chip would double every...
Answer: Year
Q: Which of these is the name for the failed key escrow device introduced by the National Security Agency in 1993?
Answer: Clipper Chip
Q: In CSS, which of these values CANNOT be used with the "position" property?
Answer: Center
Q: The numbering system with a radix of 16 is more commonly referred to as
Answer: Hexidecimal
Q: What is known as "the brain" of the Computer?
Answer: Central Processing Unit
Q: What is the main CPU is the Sega Mega Drive / Sega Genesis?
Answer: Motorola 68000
Q: What vulnerability ranked #1 on the OWASP Top 10 in 2013?
Answer: Injection
Q: Who invented the "Spanning Tree Protocol"?
Answer: Radia Perlman
Q: In computing, what does MIDI stand for?
Answer: Musical Instrument Digital Interface
Q: How many bits make up the significand portion of a single precision floating point number?
Answer: 23
Q: What language does Node.js use?
Answer: JavaScript
Q: Which kind of algorithm is Ron Rivest not famous for creating?
Answer: Secret sharing scheme
Q: What was the name of the security vulnerability found in Bash in 2014?
Answer: Shellshock
Q: What does AD stand for in relation to Windows Operating Systems?
Answer: Active Directory
Q: What is the most preferred image format used for logos in the Wikimedia database?
Answer: .svg
Q: How many cores does the Intel i7-6950X have?
Answer: 10
Q: In the server hosting industry IaaS stands for...
Answer: Infrastructure as a Service
Q: What is the name of the default theme that is installed with Windows XP?
Answer: Luna
Q: Which of these was the name of a bug found in April 2014 in the publicly available OpenSSL cryptography library?
Answer: Heartbleed
Q: Dutch computer scientist Mark Overmars is known for creating which game development engine?
Answer: Game Maker
Q: Which RAID array type is associated with data mirroring?
Answer: RAID 1
Q: When did the online streaming service "Mixer" launch?
Answer: 2016
Q: When Gmail first launched, how much storage did it provide for your email?
Answer: 1GB
Q: Who is the original author of the real-time physics engine called PhysX?
Answer: NovodeX
Q: According to the International System of Units, how many bytes are in a kilobyte of RAM?
Answer: 1000
Q: .rs is the top-level domain for what country?
Answer: Serbia
Q: Nvidia's headquarters are based in which Silicon Valley city?
Answer: Santa Clara
Q: The teapot often seen in many 3D modelling applications is called what?
Answer: Utah Teapot
Q: Unix Time is defined as the number of seconds that have elapsed since when?
Answer: Midnight, January 1, 1970
Q: The computer OEM manufacturer Clevo, known for its Sager notebook line, is based in which country?
Answer: Taiwan
Q: What is the name of the American film actress who laid the foundation for the development of technologies such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and GPS?
Answer: Hedy Lamarr
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) about Trivia
Q: How long does a typical game of Trivia take?
There is no minimum length by which any Trivia game needs to meet. It is up to the organizer/s to decide how many rounds the game will last. It can be a few questions that will last a few minutes, or it can go for an hour or two (even longer if you really want to test everyone's knowledge).
Q: What type of questions can I ask in my game of Trivia?
Once again, it is entirely up to you! You decide if you want a broad range of topics to be included within your trivia questions, or focus on a specific subject or topic of interest.
Q: Do I have to play Trivia at night?
Absolutely not! While Trivia nights are a popular team activity, you are not strictly limited to playing Trivia only at night. Trivia can be played at any time, any day, with as many people as you desire.
Q: How do I set up a game of Trivia?
There are plenty of ways to set up a Trivia game. Either you can set it up manually by preparing scorecards and writing the questions/answers on paper, or use an online trivia software/platform that automatically prepares the questions and scorekeeping method for you.
If you are looking for a way to easily create a Trivia game, Trivia on Brightful is one of the many online trivia platforms you can use to set up your next trivia game. Trivia on Brightful is easy to set up and takes only a few seconds to get everyone playing. With over 1,000+ questions available, you never have to worry about running out of questions anytime you host a Trivia game!
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Further Reading
29 Halloween Trivia Questions - Spooky and Fun Brain Busters
40 Thanksgiving Trivia Questions and Answers
30 Great Thanksgiving Trivia Questions
30 Best Trivia Questions for Christmas
The Best Online Trivia Games to Play With Your Remote Team
What are The Top 10 Best Online Trivia Games for Zoom?
What are The Best Social Games to Play With Your Remote Team