Christmas is a very exciting time with the family all gathered in one place. However, it can also mean a lot of activity planning, especially if there are kids involved. Here's a list of 25 easy to do Christmas themed games and activities to help you get everybody having and enjoying the festive season!
25 Easy Christmas Games and Activities
- Best/Worst Gift - Give everyone four slips of paper. Each partygoer must write down two good Christmas gifts and two bad ones — one of each that they actually received, and one made up. Put all the slips in a hat and have the group guess which presents were actually given and which ones were made up!
- Balance the Ornament - If you’ve ever tried an egg-on-a-spoon race, you’ll love this holiday-themed game of balancing an ornament on a spoon as you run. (Pick ones that aren’t breakable!)
- Christmas Character - Place a card on every person’s back with a name of a popular Christmas character (The Grinch, one of the Wise Men, Rudolph and so on). In order to figure out who they are, guests must ask the other players yes or no questions!
- Christmas Movie Trivia - Pick a festive holiday movie to watch, and then ask your guests questions about the movie during your party.

5. Christmas Mistletoe - You know the game where you have a bunch of people stand in a circle, and then everyone tries to kiss the person standing across from them? Well, turn that on its head by playing Christmas Mistletoe! Everyone sits in a circle, and the first person has to choose who they’ll kiss. Then, the second person has to choose who they’ll kiss…and so on. You can only kiss people you’ve never kissed before.
6. Christmas Word Scramble - Make a Christmas-themed word scramble by writing down a bunch of Christmas-related words on cards. Write them all out on the floor and have everyone try to figure out how to get from one card to another to spell out a word.
7. Christmas Charades - Use names of Christmas movies, songs, famous people, and anything else that’s Christmas-related for a game of charades - with a Christmas twist.
8. Christmas Memories - Have your guests recount the best Christmas they’ve ever had. Then, have them pick one or two of their favourite Christmas memories to share with the group.

10. Christmas Wrap - Everyone gets a roll of wrapping paper and a present. They have to wrap the present in less than a minute, and then they have to unwrap it. The person with the most intact wrapping wins.
11. Christmas Word Hunt - Make a list of as many Christmas words as you can think of (Christmas, Santa, snow, sleigh, tree, etc). Everyone gets a copy of the list, and they have to go around the room finding all the words. Whoever finds the most words in the shortest amount of time wins.
12. Christmas Trivia - Use questions from a Christmas trivia game or from this list of trivia questions to ask your guests.
13. Christmas Movie Title Game - Make a list of Christmas movies and have everyone write down the titles of movies they’ve seen. The group has to guess which movies everyone is writing down.
14. Christmas Word Association - Make a list of Christmas words (such as snow, sleigh, and Christmas). Write them down and put them in a hat. Pull out one word at a time and have guests write down what they think will be the most common answer.

15. Snowball Bowling - Instead of a bowling ball, use a snowball! Then, put the pins in a big bucket and see who can knock down the most.
16. Christmas Biscuit Pass - Have guests sit in a circle to play this Christmas-themed version of hot potato. One person starts with a biscuit in their hands. They have to pass it to the person sitting on their right, and that person has to pass it to the person to their right, until it gets to the last person. That person then gets to eat the biscuit. The first person to get the biscuit back to the first person without it getting dropped wins!
17. Snowball Fight - This game is super simple. All you have to do is grow a snowball in your hands by rolling it back and forth until you have a giant snowball. Then, see who can throw their snowball the farthest!
18. Christmas Movie Trivia - Pick a festive holiday movie to watch, and then ask your guests questions about the movie during your party.

19. Christmas Movie Title Game - Make a list of Christmas movies and have everyone write down the titles of movies they’ve seen. The group has to guess which movies everyone is writing down.
20. Christmas Gift Swap - Everyone brings a wrapped gift, and then you decide who will bring what and put all the names in a hat. Each person then draws a name and gets to choose a new gift to unwrap.
21. Snowman Blindfolded - To play this game, invite your friends to build a snowman blindfolded!
22. Candy Cane Hunt - Hide candy canes around the house and yard for guests to find!
23. Build Your Own Gingerbread House - Give everyone their own gingerbread man and a bunch of frosting. They should decorate it however they want. Then, they can arrange the gingerbread men on a plate to create a gingerbread house!

24. Gingerbread Decorating - Have everyone bring in their own gingerbread houses. They only get one shot to decorate their house, and then it’s placed on a table to be judged by everyone else.
25. Christmas 'Taboo' - The classic 'describe the word, without saying it directly' deduction game, Taboo - with a Christmas twist. Compile a list of Christmas themed words for everyone to have a go at describing as best they can.