Would You Rather is a game to be played with friends, family, colleagues or even complete strangers. The questions are designed to stretch your imagination and put you in hilarious scenarios where you are forced to choose between two equally tempting (or off-putting) options!
If you’re looking for a specific type of Would You Rather question, you can check out our collection below:
Funny Would You Rather Questions
Gross Would You Rather Questions
Hardest Would You Rather Questions
Deep Would You Rather Questions
Movie Would You Rather Questions
If you can’t decide on a category, this is a great list to get you started. We’ve included all the best ones and these will definitely help to break the ice at the next remote meeting or family gathering!
Here’s a list of 69 of our Favourite and Best Would You Rather Questions!

- Would you rather live in reality for the rest of your life or be in the matrix for the rest of your life?
- Would you rather never get tired or never have to go to the bathroom?
- Would you rather have to always hop around on one foot or have to always squat?
- Would you rather grow a ponytail down to your ankles or have a huge Adam's apple?
- Would you rather poop in the only toilet at a party knowing that you'll clog it or poop in the bushes in the backyard?
- Would you rather smell really bad or have really bad taste in music?
- Would you rather only be able to eat healthy foods or only eat junk food?
- Would you rather be reincarnated as a sea creature or an airborne creature?
- Would you rather be smart but a total jerk or really sweet but really dumb?
10. Would you rather be incredibly skilled at an incredibly boring job or be incredibly unskilled at an incredibly interesting job?
11. Would you rather be trapped in the Matrix or the LotR universe?
12. Would you rather go through your whole life being the most hilarious person or being the most intelligent person?

Play Best Would You Rather Questions with your friends, colleagues or family now
A list of questions is great and all, but wouldn't you want to have them all stored at your fingertips? The next time you want to use these questions as an ice breaker game, check out Brightful Meeting Games. It's filled with free and easy to play games just like this one that will be perfect for your next remote meeting.
13. Would you rather have a partner who is beautiful and has a horrible personality or a partner who is plain, has the most compatible personality?
14. Would you rather be one of the world’s leading experts in a single field or be the most well-rounded and versatile person in the world?
15. Would you rather be stronger than average or smarter than average?
16. Would you rather be the richest person in the world or the smartest person in the world?
17. Would you rather eat a piece of food that was really healthy for you but tasted horrible or eat something that tasted great but was bad for you?
18. Would you rather have a huge imagination or a photographic memory?
19. Would you rather have people admire you for your good deeds or respect you for your power?
20. Would you rather have to live out the rest of your life in the wilderness or live out the rest of your life in jail?
21. Would you rather have your entire lifetime of experiences converted into a movie that you can watch whenever you want to remember them, or your life turned into a book that can be read and interpreted by anyone?
22. Would you rather live in a country where the government is almost always doing the right thing or live in a country where they have to listen to you?
23. Would you rather live in a world where there is no crime or no privacy?
24. Would you rather live to 100 years old or live to 500 years old?
25. Would you rather never be rejected ever again, or never fail ever again?
26. Would you rather be famous for all the wrong reasons or not famous at all?
27. Would you rather live in a future where people take everything too seriously or a future where people don’t take anything seriously?
28. Would you rather be the center of attention or go unnoticed?
29. Would you rather be forced to listen to the same 10 songs on repeat for the rest of your life or forced to watch the same 5 movies on repeat for the rest of your life?
30. Would you rather have a time machine or a teleporter?
31. Would you rather have to speak in rhyme for the rest of your life or have to speak in riddles for the rest of your life?
32. Would you rather have to write everything you say out by hand or only be able to speak in rhymes?

33. Would you rather be physically stronger than most people or be able to fly?
34. Would you rather live in a country with a low cost of living but horrible weather or live in a country with a high cost of living and amazing weather?
35. Would you rather be able to time travel within a certain range or be able to freeze time?
36. Would you rather have a slow car or a fast bike?
37. Would you rather be incredibly cool or incredibly rich?
38. Would you rather be the President of the United States for a day or a billionaire for a day?
39. Would you rather die in a horrible accident or live to 100 and never move or be able to talk again?
40. Would you rather eat nothing but celery or oatmeal for the rest of your life?
41. Would you rather have a never-ending bowl of ice cream or never-ending salad?
42. Would you rather only be to use a fork (no spoon) or only be able to use a spoon (no fork)?
43. Would you rather the highest temperature ever be 100 degrees Fahrenheit or the lowest temperature ever be 100 degrees Fahrenheit?
44. Would you rather be one of the best in the world at one thing or be good at everything?

45. Would you rather spend your day doing hard manual labor or sit in front of a computer screen all day?
46. Would you rather be able to see a month into the future or have perfect memory of a month into the past?
47. Would you rather be smarter than everyone in your area or the richest person in your area?
48. Would you rather be late for your own wedding or your best friend’s funeral?
49. Would you rather only be able to eat foods you can make with only one cooking tool or only be able to eat foods you can make in one minute?
50. Would you rather get rid of one bad habit or get one new good habit?
51. Would you rather give up alcohol for the rest of your life or give up all dairy products for the rest of your life?
52. Would you rather travel a lot or meet a lot of people?
53. Would you rather never be able to take a hot shower or never be able to eat fried food again?
54. Would you rather only be able to read books for the rest of your life or only be able to watch movies for the rest of your life?
55. Would you rather have a guaranteed good job for the rest of your life or win the lottery and have a 50/50 chance of losing it all?
56. Would you rather get a new puppy or have your home clean for the rest of your life?
57. Would you rather have a life-changing adventure or be able to stop time?
58. Would you rather have a good memory or be able to learn a new language easily?
59. Would you rather watch a marathon of your favorite T.V show or read a book all day?
60. Would you rather always have a mullet haircut or a ponytail haircut?
61. Would you rather be a high school teacher or a clown?
62. Would you rather listen to an annoying laugh for a whole day or get tickled for one hour?
63. Would you rather wear a constantly changing outfit or a constantly changing hairstyle?
64. Would you rather be able to control animals or be able to see into the future?
65. Would you rather be able to shrink down to the size of an ant or grow to the size of a skyscraper?
66. Would you rather have the ability to read the minds of everyone in the world or to be able to move objects with your mind?
67. Would you rather be able to fly or by being able to teleport to anywhere on Earth instantly?
68. Would you rather be able to grow at will or only be able to shrink at will?
69. Would you rather be able to tell if people are lying or be able to control others’ minds?