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Thanks for playing Brightful Meeting Games! Today we're gonna announce a few small changes with how hosting a game works on our platform.

What's new

Becoming a host on Brightful now requires signing up with a valid email address.

Please keep in mind, this change only affects game hosts - players who join the invitation link can still play without signing up!

It's all part of a bigger plan

Here at Brightful our mission is to create THE best destination for games that bring people together. We're going to try to continuously add new features, games, and increasing our security for our valued users (that's you guys).

Over the past few months, we've seen some users unable to join game rooms that have expired. To fix this, we want to give each user an account tied to a permanent game room.

So as a result, sign ups are now required. We're sorry for the inconvenience - but rest assured, our values haven't changed.

We're staying 100% committed to never selling or renting your data to anyone.

Sign up to have more ownership of your game rooms

Signups and user accounts also pave the way forward to us to enable everyone to personalize their games. Stay tuned for more exciting changes coming this way.

Thanks again for your support. We promise to repay your trust with transparency and integrity.

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