Random Question Generator - The Best Way to Start a Conversation

Instead of starting your conversation with the same old questions (How was your weekend? How is everyone going?), mix things up for a change. Asking new questions can take the conversation in a whole new direction, potentially stimulating more creativity and sharing that would otherwise take place.

If you are looking for suggestions on what questions to ask, look no further. We’ve taken hundreds of our best conversation starter questions and put them into an easy to use widget. Simply push the button on the question generator to receive a random conversation starter! Never start your conversations the same way again. Give it a go right below:

How to use the Random Question Generator

There are hundreds of great questions loaded into the Random Question Generator, so if you see a question that doesn’t suit the situation, simply click again until you find one that you like.

Ask a lot of follow up questions if you sense the conversation is starting to drop off.

The Question Generator is just a tool to help you get rolling, once you get a great conversation started, feel free to improvise from there.

Why Starting Good Conversations is so important

The Random Question Generator is a great tool for breaking the ice. Great icebreakers can transform your otherwise average or dull meetings into something special. If you’re looking for more ways to make your interactions more dynamic, friendly and engaging then make sure you try Brightful Meeting Games. It’s a completely free web app that includes a selection of icebreaker games for any occasion. It’s compatible with both mobile and desktop devices, and works great alongside any virtual conferencing tool.

All the best questions in one place. Brightful Meeting Games

Tips on how to be a great conversationalist

Being able to communicate effectively is crucial for both the work and social setting. Some people have this gift naturally, and can talk to anyone about anything. Others may find it a bit harder to make small talk. The important thing to realize is that communication is a skill that can be developed with a bit of practice and polish. Here are some quick tips to keep in mind when practising your conversations with the Random Question Generator:

1. Listen More Than You Talk

When it comes to being a good conversationalist, talking is not the most important part; listening to others is usually much more appreciated. It takes effort and energy to actually pay attention when others are sharing their thoughts, and that’s why being a good listener is often difficult.

2. Let Others Finish Their Thoughts

This point is related to listening, and requires patience and allowing others to speak. Although an opportunity may arise where you feel you can interject with your own experiences, this in fact can derail the original speaker. Let them finish their train of thought and once you sense a lull in the conversation, you can relate back with your own experiences.

3. Pay attention Non-verbal Cues

Great conversationalists listen with more than their hearing. Using visual cues, they can observe body language or changes in mood that provide insight into how the other party’s interest levels fluctuate during the conversation. This feedback is useful in pivoting or changing topics at any given moment. Just remember - a great conversation is a very dynamic exchange that goes beyond just verbal communication.

To Sum it up

These tips, along with the Random Question Generator should give you a great starting place to improve the quality of your conversations. Practice makes perfect, so just keep trying to pay attention to these habits and cues and after a while your conversation skills will be much improved. Our Random Question Generator is loaded with hundreds of questions, and we will adding even more in the future, so make sure to bookmark this page whenever you need a new suggestion.

For the best icebreaker games and conversation starters, be sure to head on over to Brightful Meeting Games.